# Release notes
This is just a minor release with some dependencies updates before I embark into a bigger feature. Nothing important to note except that the chatbot got the biggest change and its message format is now slightly different.
# Changelog
# Added
- pprof endpoints have been added for taking CPU/memory snapshots at
# Changed
- Updated dependencies, most notably the Twitch IRC bot has been bumped to v3 and now includes emoji positions for easier embedding of them in chat overlays.
# Downloads
- strimertul_linux_amd64 (31.55 MiB)
- strimertul_linux_arm (26.55 MiB)
- strimertul_windows_amd64.exe (29.47 MiB)
- Source code: source.zip / source.tar.gz
This release was originally published on GitHub and converted, you can find the original release here: v2.1.1 on GitHub