Twitch chat bot

strimertül comes bundles with a chat bot for Twitch. You can access its settings in the side menu under “Twitch”.

The chat bot configuration pages in the side bar
The chat bot configuration pages in the side bar

# Chat commands

Chat commands are messages that can be triggered by chat users (such as viewers) using commands, such as “!lurk”.

The Chat message window will show all active and inactive commands, sorted alphabetically. Inactive/disabled commands will not be usable in chat.

Overview of the chat bot configuration page
Overview of the chat bot configuration page

To manage chat commands, click the “New command” at the top of the page or the “Edit” command of any of the existing commands, a dialog will appear with info to fill out about it.

The dialog for editing a single chat command
The dialog for editing a single chat command

The fields for a command are:

Command name
The identifier used to call the command, i.e. A command called “!lurk” will trigger when someone in chat writes “!lurk” as the start of their message. (ok: “!lurk goodbye”, not ok: “I’m going to !lurk now”)
Description of the command, has no functional effect and only shows up in the user interface and API. The search box at the top also filters on the description text.
Message to write to chat, it uses the Go templating system with functions described below.
Access level
Minimum permissions required to use a command. This lets you restrict some commands to moderators or other subset of chat users.

# Chat response functions

These functions operate on Twitch users and messages.

The example message for the examples will be:

<AshKeelVT> !command this is a test

FunctionDescriptionUsageExample output
userExtract the user name from a message{{ user . }}AshKeelVT
paramExtract specific words from a message{{ param 4 . }}test
randomIntRoll a random number within an interval [min,max){{ randomInt 1 6 }}3
gameGet the last played game for a user{{ user . | game }}Sonic Robo Blast 2
countIncrease counter by one and write it{{ count "test" }}2

In addition to these chat specific functions, the entire sprig function library is available (with string manipulation functions and other utilities), check its function documentation for more info.

# Chat timers

Chat timers are messages that are written on repeating intervals as long as some chat activity conditions are met (so the bot doesn’t keep screaming into the void!)

The timer page looks mostly like the chat commands page, with timers being either enabled or disabled, sorted alphabetically by name and with a search box for easy filtering.

Overview of the chat timers configuration page
Overview of the chat timers configuration page

To manage timers, click the “New timer” at the top of the page or the “Edit” command of any of the existing timers, a dialog will appear with info to fill out about it.

The dialog for editing a timer
The dialog for editing a timer

The fields for a timer are:

Timer name
A unique identifier, used only within the user interface and API
Minimum interval
How long to wait before the timer attempts to write the message again. If the chat activity condition has not been met yet, the timer will fire as soon as it is and then start waiting again.
Minimum chat activity
Adds a chat activity condition to timers so that they will only fire when there has been at least a certain amount of messages in chat. You can set it to 0 to disable it, but this might end up spamming your chat if it’s being quiet.
Messages to write to chat, you can make multiple messages and the timer will pick one at random each time.

# Chat alerts

Chat alerts are messages that get written to chat when certain events happen. These include viewer actions like following, subscribing or incoming raids from other channels.

The alerts page is structured as a tabbed view with each tab referring to a single event.

Overview of the chat alerts configuration page
Overview of the chat alerts configuration page

Alerts can be enabled and disabled for every event, and you can specify multiple message for each (one at random will be chosen when the event happens).

Alert messages use the Go templating system but with a different scheme than chat messages, see below for more info.

When you’re done changing your options, make sure to click “Save” to save and apply any change you have made!

# Variables for alerts

The template for alert messages uses an EventSub payload, you can check the full schema here but it may prove difficult to parse, so here’s an easier reference:

EventDescriptionUsageExample output
Every except raidViewer name{{.UserName}}AshKeelVT
SubscriptionResub message{{.Message}}Hey have a sub
SubscriptionSubscription tier (1000/2000/3000){{.Tier}}1000
SubscriptionSubscription months (total){{.CumulativeMonths}}69
SubscriptionSubscription months (streak){{.StreakMonths}}7
SubscriptionSubscription duration{{.DurationMonths}}3
SubscriptionWas the subscription donated?{{.IsGift}}false
Gift SubHow many gift sub were just given{{.Total}}2
Gift SubTotal gift subs from that viewer{{.CumulativeTotal}}32
Gift SubWas the gift sub anonymous?{{.IsAnonymous}}false
RaidName of who raided{{.FromBroadcasterUserName}}EnfieldVT
RaidHow many viewers in the raid{{.Viewers}}420
CheerCheer message{{.Message}}Hey have some bits
CheerHow many bits were cheered{{.Bits}}1337
CheerWas the cheering anonymous?{{.IsAnonymous}}false

# External scripts and extensions

Like the rest of strimertül, all you need to interact with Twitch chat is use Kilovolt keys.

To listen for incoming messages from users/other bots you can subscribe to this key:
Messages will be in JSON format, check the API reference for the schema.

You can write arbitrary messages to chat as the strimertul bot by writing to this key:
No format needed, just write the string you want to see in chat!